Saturday, October 29, 2011


Obviously, this is not Monday.  Mondays have become pretty hectic for me, so I am now posting whenever I have the time.  I have reclaimed my blog from students since they now must keep their own blog, and I have decided to try to post something once each week.

My fifth grader's teacher uses Smilebox and creates the cutest reminders ever.  Since I love cutesy things, I created a Smilebox account and began to play.  This site is not only free (which I love with every thrifty bone of my body; however, you can upgrade--I won't be--for $39.99 per year) but is EASY (which I love with every lazy bone in my body) and awesome.  I showed Smilebox to my middle-school teacher hubby who is contemplating using it in his classes for a poetry journal.  As a teacher, I can see hundreds of ways to use this app for everything from poetry journals to electronic newsletters for a certain business and technology teacher's assignments to recipe cards for elementary school students to practice writing and sequencing.

So, what exactly is Smilebox?  Smilebox is a form of multimedia that allows you to share text, pictures, movie clips, etc. in a photo album, newsletter, greeting card, etc. with lots of different designs, some background music, etc. and allows you to e-mail them or post them to Facebook or a blog for free or pay the yearly fee to burn them to a DVD or print them at home.

I know I am not the first person to find this creation since it has over 328,000 likes on Facebook, but if it had not been for my fifth grader's teacher, I would still be in the dark.  So, I decided to bring it to light on my little blog.  Happy creating with Smilebox!

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